Benjamin Hjelm What are the pros and cons of using AI in the recruitment process? Artificial intelligence, shortly AI, is the ability of a computer or a robot to do human-like tasks that usually require human intelligence and perception. Nowadays, AI is used more and more in variou... jan 27, 2022
Benjamin Hjelm Sú stáže na vysokých školách dôležité? Stáva sa celkom viditeľným trendom, že čoraz viac vysokých škôl a univerzít po celom svete začína pridávať stáže do svojich učebných osnov, ale sú stáže skutočne natoľko dôležité? Ak si v dnešnej dobe... jan 27, 2022
Benjamin Hjelm Best Tips to Get a Job in 2022 Since the Covid-19, for about 3 years, the business world has been going through an important test. As it is known, business processes have transformed under the headings of remote work, mobility, and... jan 19, 2022
Benjamin Hjelm Internet of things being the future of technology Artificial intelligence, shortly AI, is the ability of a computer or a robot to do human-like tasks that usually require human intelligence and perception. Nowadays, AI is used more and more in variou... jan 13, 2022